

Re-Learning Meal Planning for My Little Family

Cooking for two has turned out to be much harder than I ever imagined. When my husband and I moved in together, we only had a few months of settling into shared meals before life changed dramatically—we found out we were pregnant! Suddenly, everything about cooking became more complicated. My…

How Sourdough Helps Me Find Happiness

Estee is my fifth attempt at creating a sourdough starter. My first try followed a TikTok creator’s instructions to the letter, and while I learned a lot—like discarding the starter into the trash, not the sink, and how much environment impacts the process.

Hello, I'm Stacey!

I’m a newlywed, new housewife, and stay-at-home mom learning to embrace this beautiful season of life with intention and happiness. Here, I share my journey of creating a happy home, personal style tips, and practical advice for living richly in every moment.