Investment Pieces: Redefining Your Wardrobe Essentials

Four times a year, a super-stylish person takes to the internet to tell us novice fashion and style girlies about the 8–10 must-have investment pieces for the season. Inevitably, the list includes some variation of a white t-shirt, a trendy denim, and a black blazer. Every year, four times a year, I both try—and fail—to gather these so-called investment pieces and make them work for my personal style.

This year, I finally figured out why.

Investment pieces look different for everybody.

For example, I’m currently living out my stay-at-home-mom-and-housewife dreams. So why would I invest in a black blazer instead of a high-quality lounge set? I’m also a nursing mom, so why would I invest in a white t-shirt that can be styled ten ways when dark nursing-friendly tops make more sense for my life right now?

All this to say: an arbitrary list of “investment pieces” is one of the least helpful ways to uncover what belongs in your wardrobe. Here’s how to actually figure out what you should invest in:

Step 1: Assess Your Lifestyle

Before you can determine what’s worth investing in, take an honest look at your daily life. What are your needs? What do you reach for most often?

If you’re in your SAHM era, investing in a premium jogger set might make more sense than spending on fast fashion loungewear that will wear out in months. A jogger set might not make the typical “investment list,” but the cost-per-wear could make it invaluable for your lifestyle.

Step 2: Give Yourself Permission to Invest

Let’s be real—upgrading your wardrobe can feel indulgent, even unnecessary, especially if you’re used to bargain shopping. That’s why it’s important to give yourself permission to spend a little more on what will truly serve you.

For example, it might take a few pep talks to convince yourself to splurge on a high-quality lounge set instead of buying several inexpensive ones. But if your lifestyle revolves around comfort and versatility, that premium jogger set might be the best investment you make all year.

It’s also important to remember that no one else’s list of investment pieces will work perfectly for you. Your wardrobe should reflect your life, not someone else’s aesthetic.

Step 3: Allow Room for Mistakes

Even the most thoughtful purchases won’t always work out, and that’s okay. Elevating your personal style is a process of trial and error.

Take, for example, my recent purchase of a Marc Jacobs puffer coat. On paper, it was perfect: the exact shade of blue in my color season, functional for my lifestyle, and purchased just before fall at six months pregnant. My only concern at the time was whether it would fit postpartum.

The Chicago winter has only just begun, and after a few walks in below-20-degree weather, I’ve learned this coat isn’t the investment piece I hoped it would be.

The red flags?

  1. The double zipper, which seemed like a brilliant idea for added coziness, became a frustrating obstacle during early-morning gratitude walks.

  2. Despite being a puffer, it didn’t keep me warm enough in 10-degree weather.

  3. It has absolutely no shape—something I couldn’t fully see when I tried it on at six months pregnant.

While I loved the concept of this coat, I realized it doesn’t align with my personal style. It made me miss the parka I wore for five years—a coat with incredible shape, warmth, and zipper functionality, but in a color that no longer worked for me.

What I Learned

Even though I made a mistake with this investment, it’s part of the process. Now, I know a puffer coat isn’t for me, and I’ll make a better choice next time.

That’s the beauty of figuring out your investment pieces: it’s a journey of self-discovery.

Your Investment Formula

  1. Assess your lifestyle to determine what you truly need.

  2. Give yourself permission to spend on quality pieces that make sense for your life.

  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes—because even a “wrong” purchase can teach you more about your style.

So, what investment pieces are you eyeing right now? Whatever they are, make sure they’re perfect for you.

Hello, I'm Stacey!

I’m a newlywed, new housewife, and stay-at-home mom learning to embrace this beautiful season of life with intention and happiness. Here, I share my journey of creating a happy home, personal style tips, and practical advice for living richly in every moment.