Fear of Success: Addicted To The Struggle
In this episode sponsored by Better Help, I’m facing my fear of success by diving deep into addiction.
The first step for me in addressing my fear of success was digging out the beliefs that bonded me to my fear. The second step in conquering the fear of success is overcoming my addiction to the struggle!
physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.
Realizing my addictive behavior came full force in my vomiting each morning on the days I planned to record this episode of the podcast. I had no reason for my sudden onset of vomiting. After careful review of my routine, I realized absolutely nothing in my life had changed except my intention to overcome my fear of success.
The acknowledgment of my fear of success in the first episode was enough of a step toward overcoming my fear to send me straight into withdrawal symptoms. As I faced each belief head on more and more drama tried to surface. When I refused to let drama rise and derail my plans to overcome my fear my body reacted more aggressively.
I’m happy to say I’m on the other side of my withdrawal symptoms and ready to keep digging out the roots of this self-defeating behavior. People say the first step to managing any addiction is admitting that you have a problem. Let me tell, they are right!
To support myself in overcoming my fear of success, in this episode I’m acknowledging my addiction to the struggle. To manage my addiction I am going to practice not complaining about basic problems, make space for negative feelings that may arise when I’m doing something new or uncomfortable. Lastly, I’m going to read the book The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fears and Take Your Life To The Next Level to support me in adjusting my success thermostat!
I want to know do you have any fear around becoming as successful as you deserve and desire? If so, how did you conquer your fear of success? Let me know how you did it in the comments below!
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This episode is sponsored by Better Help an online counseling resource that connects you with licensed therapist to help you manage life's up and downs!
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